Nails are usually composed of dead tissue, and this explains why we do not feel pain when cutting our nails, and it is worth noting that strong and sh
How to lengthen nails
Nails are usually composed of dead tissue, and this explains why we do not feel pain when cutting our nails, and it is worth noting that strong and shiny nails are a sign of beauty, and it must be taken into account that a healthy, integrated diet is required to maintain the health, strength and beauty of the nails . It is also worth noting The nails are the last parts that get nourishment in the human body, and if a person suffers from a lack of nutrition, the nails will need special care, otherwise they will become brittle and break quickly, so eating healthy and integrated is one of the most important factors for nail strength , and in this article We will talk about the foods that must be eaten to get strong nails, and we will talk about some natural mixtures that are used to grow nails.
Foods to strengthen nails
- Beans of all kinds, which are one of the rich sources of biotin (in English: Biotin), a type of B vitamins, which is important for the health of nails in general, as it prevents their breakage, and it is worth noting that a lack of biotin may cause dryness in the nails, and may slow Their growth as well, in addition to this, a lack of biotin may cause the nails to turn black.
- Pumpkin seeds, because they contain zinc , which plays an important role in building and strengthening the immune system, in addition to forming connective tissue, as zinc regulates the body's ability to make the protein necessary for building nails, and its deficiency may cause the appearance of some white spots on the nails.
- Broccoli, as it contains iron necessary for healthy nails, it raises the amount of white blood cells and the level of oxygen, especially in brittle and pale nails.
- Milk, which contains calcium which is essential for nail growth, and a deficiency of it may cause nails to break off.
- Eggs, which contain large amounts of protein, so it strengthens the nails that are composed of keratin protein, so they need protein to enhance their health.
- Carrots, and it contains vitamin A, which is needed to give hardness and life to nails; In order not to look dry, and improve the shape of the nails.
- Tomatoes, which contain biotin and lycopene, in addition to vitamin C and vitamin A, which help the growth of nails, and maintain their health and natural shine.
- Bananas, which contain potassium, silica, zinc and vitamin B6, which help improve the shape of nails and promote their health. Water. Eating sufficient quantities of water protects the body from dehydration.
- The same applies to nails, and a person should take 8-10 cups of water per day.
- Sweet potatoes, which contain beta-carotene compounds, which the body can convert into vitamin A , which is essential for nail growth. As its deficiency can cause dry and brittle nails.
Natural recipes for lengthening nails
There are many natural nails to get strong, long and beautiful nails, including:Coconut Oil
- A quarter cup of warm coconut oil.
- A little lemon juice .
- Mix the ingredients together well.
- Soak the nails in the solution 10 minutes before bed.
- Wear gloves during the night to get satisfactory results.
- Repeat this process for several weeks until the nails are healthy and strong.
Tea tree oil
- Half a teaspoon of vitamin E oil .
- A few drops of tea tree oil.
- Mix vitamin E oil with tea tree oil.
- Rub the nails with the mixture, and massage them gently for several minutes.
- Leave the mixture for 30 minutes.
- Wash the nails with lukewarm water, then dry them and moisturize them with a moisturizer.
- Repeat this method twice a day for a full month.
olive oil
- 3 teaspoons of olive oil .
- A teaspoon of lemon juice.
- Put an amount of the mixture on a small piece of cotton, and place it on the nails.
- Wait for the mixture to dry on the nails, and then wear cotton gloves and keep them overnight.
- Use this method before bed.
- Wash nails with warm water in the morning.
Orange juice
- one orange.
- Squeeze the orange, and put the juice in a bowl
- . Soak the nails in the bowl for 10 minutes, then wash them.
- Moisturize the nails after you are done.
- Repeat the process once a day.
Factors that cause weak nails
- Old age.
- Long-term and long-term use of nail polish.
- Constant exposure to water.
- Some diseases, such as hyperthyroidism , hypothyroidism, psoriasis, eczema, or others.